Hi, I'mHamster.

Self-driven, quick starter, passionate researcher with a curious mind who enjoys solving complex and challenging real-world problems.


I am a Electronic and Computer Engineering Undergraduacte Student at University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute. I enjoy problem-solving and coding. Always strive to bring 100% to the work I do. I have worked on technologies like C/C++, Python, Shell, Cuda, MatLab, MySQL, Java during research and course projects. I have 6 months of professional work experience which helped me strengthen my experience in Python and Shell. I am passionate about developing complex applications that solve real-world problems impacting millions of users.

Research Interests:
  • Real-Time System Scheduling
  • Time Critical Computing
  • Skills Summary:
  • Languages: C/C++, Python, Shell, MatLab, Java
  • Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV, Scikit-learn
  • Frameworks: CUDA, Apache Hadoop, Spark, K8s, PyTorch
  • Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, Origin, MySQL
  • Looking for an opportunity to work in a challenging position combining my skills in Software Engineering, which provides professional development, interesting experiences and personal growth.


    Teaching Assistant

      Please refer to my teaching page

    • VE203 (MATH2030J): Discrete Mathematics
        Topics: Logics, Relations, Advanced Counting, Group Theory, Number Theory, Graph Theory
    • VE280 (ECE2800J): Programming and Elementary Data Structures
        Topics: Basic Linux, C++ Syntax, Testing, OOP, Dynamic Memory, STL
    • VG101 (ENGR1010J): Introduction to Computer and Programming
        Topics: MatLab, C, C++ Syntax
    • VV186 (MATH1860J): Honors Mathematics
        Topics: Function and Limits, Differentiation, Series, Integral of single variable
    • All the RC (recitation class) materials are available on github.
    Sept 2021 - Summer 2023 | Shanghai, China
    AI Platform Intern
      Project Orca: Distributed Tensorflow and Pytorch
    • Refactored github repo CI/CD workflow, eliminated unncessary dependencies, added daily/nightly testing
    • Validated Yarn,K8S cluster setting, updated corresponding tutorials and documents;
    • Created dockerfile for orca under different python environments
      Project Fresian: High-Level Big-Data Recommendation;
    • Developed Big Data recommendation example codes, created corresponding documents
    • Released the corresponding tookit with docker-compose, k8s, helmchart
    Tools: Python, Spark, Ray, K8s, Tensorflow, PyTorch
    Dec 2022 - May 2023 | Shanghai, China
    TA mentor
    • Plan/ attend/ facilitate/ lead TA orientation, training workshops, seminars
    • Work on the improvement of JI TA training programs, TA management, and other TA related issues
    • Conduct spot check of TAs' recitation class, labs & office hours, provide constructive suggestions for their improvement, and file reports monthly for backup
    Mar 2022 - Present | Shanghai, China


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    Screenshot of web app
    (New!) "SAVE" (Capstone Proj)

    SAVE: A Vision-Based Bicycle Safety System for Alerting Collision with Vehicles.

    Details Details
      Key Insights:
    • 🚴Designed a cyclist equipment with safety embedded system.
    • 🖥️Built a web server to allow real-time monitoring on both computers and mobiles.
    • ⚡Improved program execution speed while extending battery life by scheduling.
    • Dependencies:
    • Raspberry Pi 4B, Intel NCS2, 2x 100 Binocular Camera, MPU6050
    • C++ 17 on Linux, OpenVINO, OpenCV, Caddy Server 2
    • Awards:
    • 🏆Silver Award of Undergraduate Thesis in JI 2023 Winter Expo
    music streaming app
    Big-Data Recommendation

    A recommendation system on Million Song Dataset

    Accomplishments Accomplishments
    • Tools: Hadoop, Spark, Avro, Drill, Scikit-learn, LaTeX
    • Retrieve the dataset, interprete on the data structure and turn into avro file in parall.
    • Use drill (sqlite) to perform basic queries on dataset.
    • Use both Spark and Mapreduce to recommend the most similar song with diverse customization.
    • Reduce data dimension by PCA and effectively predict the year of the songs.
    • Demostrate our idea by well typed beamer slides and an A1 poster.
    quiz app
    Multithreaded DB

    Multi-threading optimization for simple database queries.

    Details Details
    • Require: C++17, Clang >= 6.0, CMake >= 2.7
    • Implement multi-thread in each single query to be 40% faster.
    • Auto detect the optimized thread num based on table size
    • Use priority queue with mutex to guarantee efficiency and sorting records
    Screenshot of web app
    Shell based on C

    A simple shell (mumsh) implemented by system-level C.

    Details Details
    • Key Points: system call, signal catching, pipe, built-in command.
    • Support basic Unix commands w/o arguments, e.g. ls -la.
    • Bash style file I/O redirection, e.g. cat <1.txt > 2.txt.
    • Basic pipe, e.g. echo 123 | grep 1 .
    • Catch interrupt signal including CTRL-D and CTRL-C.
    • Implement shell built-in command pwd and cd.
    Screenshot of  web app
    Music Game on PIC32

    A simple music game developed on PIC32MX795F512L.

    Details Details
    • Peripherals: JR12684-3A, piezoresistor, buzzer
    • Use UART to interact and display on the screen, get pressures (as hits) from the piezoresistor by ADC module, control the looped music using Timer and PWM.



    Shell Scripting









    Shanghai, China

    Degree: Bachelor of Engineer in ECE (in progress)
    Major: Electronic and Computer Engineering
    Minor: Computer Science
    GPA: 3.81/4.0

      Core Courseworks Taken:

      • ECE4820J Introduction to Operating System (A+)
      • ECE4720J Methods and Tools for Big Data (A+)
      • ECE3730J Design of Microprocessor Based Systems
      • ECE3700J Introduction to Computer Organization
